Shehila Carter, often known as Shy, embarked on a transformative journey from Colorado to Maine as part of an expansion team, a decision she regards as the pinnacle of her life's choices. Hailing from a heritage rooted in Costa Rica, Shehila's path has been marked by academic excellence, graduating as Salutatorian and assuming leadership roles as the captain of basketball, volleyball, and track teams. Her educational odyssey continued at CU Boulder, where she honed her skills in Multicultural Leadership and Forensic Psychology, all while maintaining her dedication to basketball. With a steadfast commitment to familial welfare, Shehila aspires to carve a career path as a private investigator, channeling her expertise to ensure both financial stability and emotional well-being for her loved ones in Costa Rica. As the youngest member of her family, raised under the nurturing guidance of a single mother and two supportive older brothers, Shehila's ambitions are fueled by a profound sense of duty to provide unwavering support to those who have shaped her journey.